Withinthe ERA compliant cluster in Spain, the share of research personnel whoseprimary occupation is in the private sector (in full time equivalents) ishigher than within the EU ERA compliant cluster. Latindexand Dialnet are repositories for research publications done in Spanish andPortuguese-speaking countries. Concerninggender balance in decision making, the LCTI establishes that the evaluationand selection committees of the research system should follow the genderbalance principle so that no gender group will account for no more than 60 % orless than 40 %. TheCLARIN programme aims to attract researchers currently working in foreigninstitutions to pursue a research career in the Autonomous Community of thePrincipality of Asturias. InSpain in 2011, the percentage of doctoral candidates with citizenship fromanother EU-27 MS was 5.2 % compared to 4.2% among the Innovation Unionreference group and an EU average of 7.7 %. The percentage of non-EU doctoralcandidates as a percentage of all doctoral candidates was 18 % in Spaincompared to 5.2 % among the Innovation Union reference group and an EU averageof 24.2 %.
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This includes hiring experts in transferring and adding value toknowledge, including the preparation of proposals, provision of advice,management and provision of ongoing impetus to Horizon 2020 projects. Thesupport takes the form of low-interest loans and a subsidy towards the cost oftraining these experts. Themost significant changes introduced by the strategy are an increased emphasison innovation, public-private R&D collaboration, research excellence andother emerging topics, such as promoting RDI on societal challenges or the roleof public procurement to promote R&D and innovation. Forthe indicator ‘Share of gender-balanced recruitment committees for leadingresearchers in research performing organisations’, it should be noted thatmajor universities and research centers have not responded to the survey. Indeed, the shares of‘weighted’ organisations are 46.7 % for the ‘ERA compliant’ cluster, 53.2 % forthe ‘ERA limited compliant’ cluster and 0.2 % for those organisations where ERAprinciples are not applicable.
However, onthe Community and regional level open circulation of knowledge betweencompanies and research organisations is supported in various ways. Inrelation to open innovation and knowledge transfer between public and privatesectors, Spain has not developed a specific knowledge transfer strategy.However, the LCTI, EESTI and PECTI encourage open circulation of knowledgebetween companies and research organisations. It is a 30 month project,funded by the FP7, and its mission is to facilitate access to the ERA’s openaccess scientific production cometcoin of the , providing cross-links from publicationsto data and funding schemes. Theshare of research funders in Spain who responded to the survey and can basetheir project-based research and development funding decisions on peer reviewscarried out by non-national institutions is higher than the EU average. Theshare of responding funders’ research and development budget in Spain allocatedto collaboration programmes carried out with third countries is similar to theEU average. Theshare of research funders in Greece who responded to the survey and can basetheir project-based research and development funding decisions on peer reviewscarried out by non-national institutions is higher than the EU average.
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- Interms of programmes undertaken jointly by several Member States (so calledArticle 185 initiatives), the country was involved in five programmes.
- Researchfunders in Bulgaria who responded to the survey indicated that they do not havemeasures supporting international cooperation with third countries.
- Withinthe ERA compliant cluster in Greece, the share of research performingorganisations having dedicated staff employed in knowledge transfer activitiesis lower than within the EU ERA compliant cluster.
- Theseprocedures are based on the European Science Foundation’s (ESF) European PeerReview Guide.
- Withinthe ERA compliant cluster in Austria, the share of research-performingorganisations having dedicated staff employed in knowledge transfer activitiesis lower than within the EU ERA compliant cluster.
Thereare no large scale RI facilities with pan-European interest in Estonia and,therefore foreign researchers and R&D institution interests in usingEstonian Research Infrastructures have not been great. For several years,Estonia has used the European Structural Funds for the development of EstonianR&D infrastructure. Thus, from the R&D infrastructuredevelopment investment plan, two facilities out of nine have been finalised,and from the Programme for the Internationalisation of Science, the developmentof three RIs were supported and there is the possibility of participating inseveral others. Indeed, the shares of‘weighted’ organisations are 71.4 % for the ‘ERA compliant’ cluster, 28.2 % forthe ‘ERA limited compliant’ cluster and 0.3 % for those organisations where ERAprinciples are not applicable. Thereare also measures on technology transfer, science parks and university businessincubators in Denmark. Withinthe ERA compliant cluster in Denmark, the share of research performingorganisations making available on-line and free of charge publicly fundedscientific research data systematically is lower than within the EU ERA compliantcluster.
TheCzech Republic was a member of an identity federation in 2011 via CESNETproviding inter-organisational identity management and interconnectivity ofnetworks. Also via CESNET, the country is a member of eduGAIN, a serviceintended to enable the trustworthy exchange of information related to identity,authentication and authorisation between the GEANT (GN3plus) partnersfederations. Among the projects run by CESNET, the EDUROAM infrastructure andeduroam.cz project support and spread Internet Protocol (IP) mobility androaming in order to enable users of interconnected networks an easy andtransparent usage of any network connected to the roaming space.
- In2013, the number of researcher posts advertised through the EURAXESS Jobsportal per thousand researchers in the public sector was 9.6 in Germanycompared with 47.6 among the Innovation Union reference group and an EU averageof 43.7.
- EURAXESSCzech Republic operates the Czech National EURAXESS Jobs portal that is linkedto the pan-European EURAXESS Jobs portal.
- Strategicpartnerships and/or the definition of joint collaborative research agendasbetween academia and industry are not supported by funding organisations inEstonia.
- Theright depends on the contractual conditions and on the researcher’s level ofincome in the previous 18 months.
- Mutualrecognition of evaluations that conform to international peer review standardsis not systematically supported but often takes place in bilateral ormultilateral programmes.
- Withinthe ERA-compliant cluster in Estonia, the share of research-performingorganisations that include the gender dimension in research content is higherthan that within the EU’s ERA-compliant cluster.
- Theshare of responding funders’ project-based research and development budget inDenmark allocated through peer review carried out by institutions outside thecountry is higher than the EU average.
TheFederal Government and the Länder expect the research organisations toimplement the Joint Science Conference (GWK) decision of 2011 on recruitmentand career progression of women by establishing flexible target quotas inkeeping with the ‘cascade model’ of the DFG’s research-oriented standards ongender equality. The organisations are expected to agree targets at management levelto ensure that the quotas are achieved. Four research organisations, HGF, FhG,MPG and WGL developed their own specific procedures for applying the ‘cascademodel’ and established target quotas in 2012. The organisations are expected toimplement significant changes in the quantitative representation of women inthe research system, particularly in leading positions.
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In nominal terms, the rate of growth of total GBAORD in theCzech Republic was higher than the rate of growth of total EU GBAORD. In termsof R&D efforts, the rate of growth of GBOARD in the Czech Republic,measured as a percentage of public government expenditure, evolved positively.In comparison, in the EU-27 the rate of growth of GBAORD, measured as apercentage of public government expenditure, evolved negatively. Finally,GBAORD as a share of GDP evolved positively in the Czech Republic even when itregressed at EU-28 level.
The Universities Act provides for the implementation of gendermonitoring with respect to recruitment and targeted recruitment in publicresearch organisations and universities. Theshare of research funders in Austria who responded to the survey and supportnational policies on gender equality in public research is higher than the EUaverage. The country also has participated in 11 ERA-NET Plusactions – of which seven are still running – in areas with high European addedvalue and additional EU financial support topping up their joint call forproposals. Theshare of responding funders’ total budget in Austria allocated totransnationally coordinated R&D is lower than the EU average. Concerningdigital research services, FECYT provides access to bibliographic researchdatabases (Web of Science and Scopus) to Spanish researchers. In addition,FECYT offers to researchers a Normalised Curriculum Vitae (CVN), that is anational standard between institutions that facilitates the data interchangeand the research evaluation processes.
InSeptember 2011, the Rectors’ Conference, representing all universities inEstonia, signed an ‘Agreement on Good Practice Regarding Quality’. Theselection criteria are published in the employment regulation rules of theuniversities, and are available on their websites. According to the Organisation ofResearch and Development Act, §9 and University Act, §34, all regular teachingand research positions in R&D institutions have to be filled by publiccompetition. Thisrepresents 6.5 researchers per labour force compared to 7.6 among theInnovation Union reference group (Innovation followers) and an EU average of6.7. The country is member ofeduGAIN, a service intended to enable the trustworthy exchange of informationrelated to identity, authentication and authorisation between the GÉANT(GN3plus) Partners’ federations.
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Withinthe ERA compliant cluster in Bulgaria, the share of research performingorganisations having dedicated staff employed in knowledge transfer activitiesis lower than within the EU ERA compliant cluster. TheBulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) announced its intention to establish anetwork of scientific open access centres. The Institute of Mathematics andInformatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IMI-BAS) will coordinate theBulgarian network and will provide support for academic institutions andresearchers. IMI-BAS will launch a national project to develop the researchinfrastructure and digital repositories for researchers, educators, public bodiesand companies who need contemporary scientific and education information andresources (Implementing Open Access Mandates in Europe, 2012).
Thenational roadmap for Research Infrastructures presents a complete andprioritised catalogue of the national needs for research infrastructures in theshort term and charts a strategic direction for national initiatives in thefield. Withinthe ERA compliant cluster in Germany, the share of research personnel whoseprimary occupation is in the private sector (in full time equivalents) ishigher than within the EU ERA compliant cluster. Concerninggender balance in decision making, one of the BMBF’s central tasks is to tacklethe under-representation of women in leadership positions.
The country is memberof eduGAIN, a service intended to enable the trustworthy exchange ofinformation related to identity, authentication and authorisation between theGÉANT (GN3plus) Partners’ federations, through DFN. To date, electronicidentities that are not linked to a specific institution are only available toresearchers in Germany to a limited extent, via their national identity card. Withinthe ERA compliant cluster in Germany, the share of research performingorganisations having funding originating from the private sector is higher thanwithin the EU ERA compliant cluster. Knowledgetransfer measures of science organisations that signed the Pact for Researchand Innovation are monitored, however, there is no national monitoring systemis in place.