Theshare of research funders in Germany who responded to the survey and supportproject-based funding is lower than the EU average. Thecentral task of the DFG is to award funding for basic research to universitiesas well as research organisations’ cooperating with them in projects via acompetitive procedure. DFG provides one of the main sources of competitivefunding through its funding programmes collaborative research centres, researchcentres, research training groups, priority programmes and research units, bothin quantitative as well as in qualitative terms. Theinstitutions of higher education comprise of government-funded and privateuniversities, universities of applied sciences and other academic institutions,which all combine both academic teaching and research. Withinthe ERA-compliant cluster in the Czech Republic, the share of researchperforming organisations providing federated electronic identities for theirresearchers is similar to that within the EU’s ERA-compliant cluster.
CometCoin vs Golem: Coin Information
Universities and other Research and Development institutions areindependent and can choose their partners from any country in the world. Since2002, world level research and cooperation is also promoted through the Centresof Excellence Programme. Theshare of responding funders’ research and development budget in Estoniadedicated to jointly defined research agendas with other EU organisations islower than the EU average. Withinthe ERA compliant cluster in Denmark, the share of research performingorganisations having or using a structure for knowledge transfer activities islower than within the EU ERA compliant cluster. Relatedto open access to publications, initiatives exist at national level throughsoft requirements to foster the development of open access to scientificpublications. Theimplementation of Open Access is well under way among Danish universities,public research councils and foundations.
Theshare of research funders in Bulgaria who responded to the survey and supportOpen Access to publications is lower than the EU average. Withinthe ERA compliant cluster in Bulgaria, the share of gender-balanced recruitmentcommittees for leading researchers in research performing organisations islower than within the EU ERA compliant cluster. Thereare no national policies fostering gender as criteria in research programmes,however there are some stakeholder initiatives.
Self-archiving of the fulltexts of publications is mandatory but access can be restricted for internaluse until the end of the publisher’s embargo. Impact factors of journals arenot taken into account when evaluating research output of research institutionsor individual researchers. Through the number of citations andH-factors, the impact of publications is however indirectly taken into accountwhen evaluating applications. Inconnection with the new innovation strategy the Danish Government has started aprocess that led to the creation of the first INNO+ catalogue presented inSeptember 2013, which provides funding organisations with specific fundinglines dedicated to the implementation of knowledge transfer. Concerningopen access to data, in Denmark, there are no open access and preservationpolicies related to research data. The awareness of OA is mainly within the researchlibrary community, but the interest in the topic is growing in the universityadministrations and research policy.
CometCoin (CMTC) vs Golem (GNT)
Some of the Danish universities have includedgoals and activities for gender equality in their development contracts withthe ministry. Theannual report form the Research Forum and the Research Councils will for thefuture include relevant gender divided statistics. Ona general level, the Danish Gender Equality Act (GEA), as revised in 2013,stipulates among other things that boards, assemblies of representatives orsimilar collective management bodies within the public administration ought tohave an equal gender balance. Forthe indicator ‘Public funding allocated to transnationally coordinated R&Das % of total budget in the sample’ it should be noted that only data for food& agiculture are available. Withinthe ERA compliant cluster in Germany, the share of research performingorganisations providing federated electronic identities for their researchersis higher than within the EU ERA compliant cluster. Withinthe ERA compliant cluster in Germany, the share of research performingorganisations providing digital research services (i.e. cloud services,research collaboration platform, etc.) is higher than within the EU ERAcompliant cluster.
RECOLECTA is aplatform that gathers all the national open access scientific repositories andprovides services to repository managers, researchers and decision-makers. Theshare of research funders in Spain who responded to the survey and supportinstitutional assessment for the allocation of institutional funding is lowerthan the EU average. Theshare of research funders in Spain who responded to the survey and supportproject-based funding is lower than the EU average. Forthe indicator ‘Share of publicly funded scientific publications in OA amongstresearch performing organisations’, it should be noted that major researchperforming organisations, that tend to publish a lot, did not respond to thesurvey. Withinthe ERA compliant cluster in Greece, the share of publicly-funded scientificpublications in open access amongst research performing organisations is lowerthan within the EU ERA compliant cluster.
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Theshare of research funders in Bulgaria who responded to the survey and supportproject-based funding is higher than the EU average. Thebiggest research performers in Bulgaria are the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences(BAS), the Agricultural Academy and some of the Bulgarian universities. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food hosts the AgriculturalAcademy, which champions Bulgarian research policy in agriculture.
- Bylaw, Greece supports women returning to the same position after parental leave.However, female researchers are entitled to maternity leave only if they havesigned a contract with a research institution.
- Theshare of research funders in Belgium who responded to the survey and supportproject-based funding is lower than the EU average.
- Inits National Reform Programme 2014, Germany states that the High-Tech Strategyas the Innovation Strategy for Germany will be further developed by the Summerof 2014.
- Withinthe ERA compliant cluster in Denmark, the share of research performingorganisations implementing recruitment and promotion policies for femaleresearchers is lower than within the EU ERA compliant cluster.
- Ona general level, the Danish Gender Equality Act (GEA), as revised in 2013,stipulates among other things that boards, assemblies of representatives orsimilar collective management bodies within the public administration ought tohave an equal gender balance.
- The Flemish Government also awared support to the GrandAccelerateur National d’Ions Lourds (GANIL) in Caen (France), as a one-offinput for the setup of the ‘High Resolution Separator’ of SPIRAL2.
However, the share of funds allocatedaccording to this ranking is comparatively small and is could be better focusedon R&I. The ranking system compiles information and data for more than 70indicators, which measure different aspects of university activities includingteaching and learning, university environment, welfare and administrative services,science and research, prestige, career development and relevance to the labourmarket. Inrelation to open innovation and knowledge transfer between public and privatesectors, Belgium has not developed a knowledge transfer strategy.
Thenumber of new doctoral graduates per 1000 population aged 25 to 34 years oldwas 1.5 in 2011 compared to 1.6 among the Innovation Union reference group andan EU average of 1.7. Openaccess is one the key priorities of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the mainfunding for basic research in Austria. Withinthe ERA compliant cluster in Austria, the share of research-performingorganisations that have adopted Gender Equality Plans is higher than within theEU ERA compliant cluster.
- Theshare of responding funders’ total budget in Belgium allocated totransnationally coordinated R&D is lower than the EU average.
- InSeptember 2011, the Rectors’ Conference, representing all universities inEstonia, signed an ‘Agreement on Good Practice Regarding Quality’.
- InNovember 2012, the Ministry for Education, Religious Affairs, Culture andSports launched a call for Higher Education Institutions in Greece for a pilotprogramme for the mobility of young researchers of the Mediterranean Office forYouth (MOY).
- Theshare of responding funders’ research and development budget in Denmarkdedicated to jointly defined research agendas with other EU organisations ishigher than the EU average.
- Withinthe ERA compliant cluster in Cyprus, the share of gender-balanced recruitmentcommittees for leading researchers in research performing organisations couldnot be identified.
- Exchange Agreements with the FWO and internationalpartners have entered into force with research councils from South Korea,Turkey and Mexico.
In the short term, the mainobjective of the STP will be to enhance the entrepreneurial and industrialdevelopment of Cyprus. Even more in the long term the objective will focus ontransforming Cyprus into a regional research and innovation center. Thejoint effort of the RPF and a research team of the Cyprus Technology Universityis to propose a smart specialisation strategy based on desk research,experience and a field survey (800 companies) and discussed with a SteeringCommittee composed of national stakeholders. It is expected that the Governmentwill receive all cometcoin input by the end of June 2014 and adopt priorities by theSummer.
Thebulk of competitive project-based funding is administered by GACR, whichallocates grants for basic research, and by TACR, which allocates grants forapplied research and development. GACR also awards postdoctoral grants withlimited funding on an open, merit and competitive basis. On the side of applied research anddevelopment, there is currently a transition period where TACR is taking overthe management of most of MIT’s competitive funding.